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The Missing Ingredient in a Mompreneur’s Journey 

Celebrating Your Little Wins:

Have you ever looked at a garden and marveled at how each flower blooms in its own time, yet all contribute to the garden’s overall beauty? Just like a garden doesn’t flourish overnight, your journey as a mompreneur is filled with tiny blossoms that together create your own stunning landscape. But are you giving yourself the time and space to recognize and celebrate these blooms, or is your inner critic keeping you from savoring your own growth?

Let’s dig deep and unearth the transformative power of celebrating your smaller wins, and how doing so can silence that nagging inner critic once and for all. 

The Relatable Struggle: A Story Close to My Heart

Not long ago, a dear friend confided in me about the immense stress she was under in her pursuit of something deeply meaningful. The issues weren’t new, but this time was very different. She was swimming in a sea of overwhelm. 

Now, because she is a close friend, I know that she’s already got some really beautiful self-care practices in place. Even so, she keeps telling me that she knows she should be doing more and she just can’t figure out what that is. This wonderful woman is racking her brains trying to figure out what more she can add an already very full plate because she’s still unfulfilled in her pursuits. It was like watching someone who is already running at full speed, thinking they’re standing still because they haven’t reached the finish line yet. 

Curious, I asked her a simple yet profound question: “How do you celebrate the things you ARE accomplishing?”

And there it was. A blank stare that spoke volumes.

I explained that I wasn’t talking about an extravagant night out or a weekend getaway. Instead, I was referring to acknowledging and reveling in all those little milestones that mark progress in both work and family life. 

The lightbulb moment was palpable. It was as if she had never given herself permission to acknowledge her power in those smaller moments. 

When she followed up with me recently, she was glowing, the embodiment of empowered joy. She had celebrated a minor win, and the impact on her overall demeanor was incredible.

The Transformative Power of Small Victories

So why does celebrating the little wins matter so much? 

It Fuels Empowerment: 

Acknowledging your small victories is like gathering embers to fuel a much larger fire. It builds up your self-esteem and enables your confident self to take the lead.

Quiets the Inner Critic: 

In the endless loop of “doing,” it’s easy to give stage time to your inner critic. But when you pause to celebrate, you mute that nagging voice, shifting your focus to your power and capabilities.

Makes Work-Life Balance Approachable: 

Suddenly, the overwhelming task of balancing work and family becomes a series of small, manageable, and exciting achievements.

How to Make Celebration a Habit

Ready to make this an essential part of your empowering journey? Here’s how to start:

Recognize the Win: Whether you’ve signed a new client or successfully hosted a family dinner without any meltdowns, acknowledge it.

Speak It Loud and Clear: Share these victories with a loved one or jot it down in your journal. There’s magic in vocalizing your accomplishments.

Indulge a Little: Reward yourself in small but meaningful ways. It could be a cup of your favorite tea, a few moments of silence, or a dance around your living room. 

So, what small but significant win have you swept under the rug recently? I challenge you to write down that overlooked victory and celebrate it like it deserves. Because you, too, deserve to celebrate every step of your journey.