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Hey Mom Guilt, Take a Hike! How to Embrace Mompreneur Greatness

“I’m failing at both my business and being a mom.”

“My child deserves better than this.”

“Why can’t I manage my time better?”

Do any of those thoughts sound familiar?

If you found yourself nodding, know that you’re not alone. Every mompreneur has those moments when the inner critic becomes almost too loud to bear. But guess what? That inner critic doesn’t have to lead your life. Today, we’re going to explore how you can boldly silence that critic and make room for your most confident self to shine.

Recognize the Inner Critic for What It Is

First things first, let’s give that inner critic a name—let’s call it the “Doubt Whisperer.” This voice seems to know exactly when to chime in, usually when you’re already stretched thin between a business call and prepping dinner. But who is the Doubt Whisperer to decide you’re not deserving of success in both work and family?

Challenge the Inner Dialogue

– What’s the evidence that supports what the Doubt Whisperer is saying?

– How many times have you proved it wrong?

– Is this thought empowering me or holding me back?

Questioning these critical thoughts is the first step in transforming them into empowering beliefs. Because guess what? You’re not failing at either role—you’re learning, growing, and becoming more adept every single day.

Redefine Your Metrics of Success

Society has painted this ideal picture of a mom who can do it all without breaking a sweat. Let’s throw that picture out the window, shall we? Your metrics of success should be personal to you, taking into account your aspirations as a business owner and as a mom. So you didn’t make it to one school event. I can absolutely feel the heaviness of that. AND You were crushing it at a business presentation, setting an example for your children about what it means to be passionate about one’s work.

Empower Yourself with Choices

The time you spend on your business or with your family are choices you get to make. Yes, some of them are hard choices, but they are yours to make. You’re setting the course for your journey, not anyone else. You have the power to choose how you spend your time, and each choice teaches you something valuable.

Take Actionable Steps to Harmonize Your Dual Roles

– Set aside focused family time each week, free from work distractions.

– Include your children in your entrepreneurial journey; make it a family affair. (***If that is something that makes sense for you.)

– Establish boundaries for work time and family time.

– Dive into resources aimed at streamlining mompreneur tasks, so work doesn’t spill over into family time.

Issue a Challenge to Yourself

Here’s a challenge for you: Over the next week, jot down every time the Doubt Whisperer tries to intrude on your thoughts. Then, counter each of those thoughts with an empowering statement. If the critic says, “You’re failing at both,” counter it with, “I’m succeeding in ways that matter to me.”

It’s time to make your inner dialogue work for you, not against you. Turn those challenges and doubts into learning opportunities and steps for growth. When you change the way you talk to yourself, you change the way you navigate your world. So go ahead, embrace this exciting challenge and empower your journey to new heights.

I’ve created a free resource for you to help tackle that mom-guilt and the naughty little doubt whisperer that the guilt bring with it. Snag it here subscribepage.io/MY7Il1

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