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Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Your Most Pressing Questions, Answered

Do you ever feel like a fraud? As though at any moment you’ll be exposed as an imposter who doesn’t deserve your success? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome is extremely common, especially among entrepreneurs. 

Let’s dive into the most frequently asked questions about this tricky phenomenon:

What is imposter syndrome?

It’s a pattern of doubting your abilities and fearing others will discover you’re not as competent as you appear. Despite evidence of your skills, you feel internally like an imposter.

What causes it?  

Experts believe factors like perfectionism, family dynamics, and childhood experiences can contribute, but the origins aren’t fully clear. The good news – you can overcome imposter syndrome regardless of where it began.

Who experiences it?

Anyone can, but it’s especially prevalent among entrepreneurs. 

What are the symptoms?

Self-doubt, anxiety, fear of failure, discounting praise and accomplishments, overpreparing, procrastinating – these are just a few common signs.

How do you conquer it?  

Mindset shifts help, but addressing it at the identity level creates lasting change. It requires moving beyond “fake it til you make it” to do the deeper personal work.

Does it ever disappear?

Yes, when you stop ignoring it and commit to the process of unpacking and healing it. 

How is it different from self-doubt?

Self-doubt may be overcome with mindset adjustments since you still believe in your core abilities. Imposter syndrome makes you feel incapable no matter the evidence.

Can it ever be good?

While some say self-doubt drives hard work, imposter syndrome causes excessive stress and burnout. There are much healthier ways to stay motivated.  

Now let’s get practical – here are 3 tips for dealing with imposter syndrome in the moment when that pesky inner critic flares up:

1. Accept the thought simply happened, don’t fight it. 

2. Take 60 seconds to breathe deeply.

3. If possible, choose a more empowering thought. If not, know there are always more steps you can take – reach out for support.

Want to go deeper? Download my free workbook on quieting the inner critic. And if you’re ready to tackle imposter syndrome for good, schedule a free consultation call with me. 

Know you don’t have to live with imposter syndrome – you can break free! Wishing you confidence and conviction.

P.S. Admittedly, this blog came from my Youtube video. If you’d prefer to consume this via video, check it out here: