A Mompreneur’s Recipe for Balance, Peace and Avoiding Regret

Hello gorgeous!

Today, I’m diving right in.

The Rollercoaster of Being a Mompreneur

So, who can relate to this? One moment, you’re swept up in the euphoria of a promising business opportunity; the next, you’re tugged between the obligations of work and the joys of family. I’ve been there too.

Let me share a recent dilemma I faced that many of you may relate to.

Earlier this year, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to lead workshops for influential women entrepreneurs. It seemed like a dream come true professionally. But it required significant time away from family, meaning I’d miss my kids’ activities and dinners. 

I felt torn between two paths. One offered career growth and inspiring others. The other meant precious family memories I didn’t want to miss. 

Have you faced a similar fork in the road? It’s like being caught between an enticing desert buffet and your favorite home-cooked meal. Both call out to you, yet you can only choose one. 

Or maybe I’m just hungry. 


Ultimately, I realized the opportunity didn’t fully align with my goal of work-life harmony this year. As tempting as it was, those family moments were irreplaceable, so I bowed out.

Tough choices like these bring up the sneaky feeling of guilt. Whether hustling in business mode or snuggling at home, guilt often whispers about what we “should” be doing instead. 

Here’s a new view on guilt – it shows you care deeply about all aspects of life! See it as a sign of your determination and devotion, not a flaw. 

Navigating Life’s Twists and Turns

How do you sail smoothly through such life quandaries? Pause. Take a moment to align with your core values and current priorities. Life has its seasons, and your priorities today may not be your focus tomorrow. What speaks to your spirit right now? 

The Uninvited Guest: Guilt

As you make these hefty decisions, there’s an emotion that always seems to sneak in: guilt. It’s like an uninvited guest at a dinner party. But what if we redefine guilt? What if guilt is not an enemy but a sign that you’re deeply invested in every role you play—be it as a businesswoman or a mom? The next time guilt makes an entrance, view it as a reflection of your immense passion and drive.

Strategies to Make Empowered Choices

So, how do you confront this guilt and turn it into an empowering ally? In my coaching, I encourage mompreneurs to:

Engage in quiet visualization: Let your intuition guide you. How does each option make you feel?

Identify your top values: What will nourish your spirit today? This is your compass.

Unmask the guilt: Often, guilt veils our true desires. Is it an old narrative you’re clinging to, or perhaps a fear of judgment? Knowing this can be freeing.

Trust the ebb and flow of life: Your priorities will change. And that’s not just okay; it’s natural.

My Life, My Panda – or if you haven’t seen Turning Red – Your Journey, Your Choices

For me, spending time with my family felt like the best decision for that time, but your choices could look different. Isn’t that what makes our journeys so fascinating? I’d love to hear your stories on how you’re making brave, fulfilling choices in this season of your life. 

 A Gift for Your Journey

And now for that special resource I mentioned. It’s a monthly membership program called Success Sanctuary, designed to help you find work-life harmony and bold growth through self-paced learning and on-demand 1-on-1 coaching. 

Intrigued? You’ll find all the details at this link.