Sizzling Summer Success: Mompreneur Tips for Balancing Business and Family Fun!

Hey there, beautiful!

Summer is upon us, and we all know that it’s the season for sun, sand, and…chaos? That sounds about right – our kiddos are home from school, and it can be quite the challenge to balance our entrepreneurial ventures with family time. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I’m here to share some awesome tips on how to stay successful in your business while making sure you and your little ones enjoy a fabulous summer break. So, grab a cold drink, get comfy, and let’s dig into your mompreneur magic!

1. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

First things first – planning is key! You know I always emphasize the importance of a well-organized calendar, but during the summer months, it becomes even more crucial. Set aside time for work, play, and relaxation. Make sure to block off specific times for your business tasks and your family outings. Remember, flexibility is key, so don’t worry if you have to shuffle things around a bit. And on that note, some days will just be a wash. That’s OK! You’ll get back at it tomorrow. Whatever you do, give yourself grace.

2. Find Your Sweet Spot

We all have our “sweet spot” when it comes to productivity. For some, it’s the crack of dawn, while for others, it’s the quiet of night. Identify your most productive time of day and schedule your work during those hours. This way, you can devote the rest of your time to soaking up the sun and making memories with your kiddos.

3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate!

Listen up, lovely- you don’t have to do it all! Delegate tasks to your team or outsource some of your work. And guess what? You can delegate at home, too! Teach your kids some age-appropriate chores and responsibilities. Not only will this lighten your load, but it’s also a great way to instill a strong work ethic in your little ones.

4. Create a Summer Bucket List

Get your kids involved in planning your summer fun! Sit down as a family and create a summer bucket list of activities and outings that everyone wants to do. It can be anything from a picnic at the park to a day trip to a nearby amusement park. This way, you’ll have a ready-made schedule of fun family activities that everyone can look forward to. If it’s in the budget check out some of your local day camps. I like to sprinkle a few short camps into our schedule to break the summer up for me kiddos (and to give myself what will 100% be a much needed break shhhh.)

5. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

It’s important to set boundaries when it comes to work and family time. When you’re working, make it clear to your kids that you need uninterrupted time to focus. Create a designated workspace and use a visual cue, like a “do not disturb” sign, to signal when you’re in work mode. On the flip side, make sure to disconnect from work during family time, so you can be fully present with your loved ones.

6. Embrace the Power of Technology

Hello, smartphones and tablets – our technological lifesavers! Use apps and tools to help you manage your business and stay connected with your team. This way, you can easily stay on top of things even when you’re on the go, enjoying a family day at the beach or a weekend camping trip. Only do this if it makes sense. If you’re go-go-go with actives, this may make sense. On the other hand, if you have a family trip scheduled, and you can disconnect, please do!

7. Stay Cool and Stay Connected

With all the summer fun, it’s important to stay connected with your clients and customers. Schedule regular social media posts and email updates to keep your audience in the loop. But don’t forget to share some of your summer adventures, too! Your clients will love getting a glimpse into your world as a mompreneur.

Let’s do this!!

P.S. Don’t forget to give yourself regular opportunities for self-care. Need some inspiration? Sign up for my 21-days of self-care for self-confidence