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New Year, Refreshed Mindset: Empowering Shifts for Mompreneurs

As we step into the New Year, it’s the perfect time to refresh our mindset and set the stage for a year of growth and success. As mompreneurs, this is such an important conversation. Am I right? We need to empower ourselves to thrive in both our families and our businesses, so today, we’re going to explore powerful mindset shifts that can transform both your life and business. It’s all about embracing a ‘New Year, New Mindset’ philosophy.

If you’re a mompreneur like me, you know that building a business while raising a family comes with a whole lot of mom-guilt. One minute you’re hustling to hit a launch deadline, the next you’re feeling guilty about missing out on chaperoning a school field trip. It’s so easy to get caught in that cycle of feeling like you’re failing at both business and parenting. 

Today, I want to share how I shushed the mom guilt and became what I can honestly say feels like an unstoppable mompreneur. These mindset shifts helped me define success on my own terms, silence my inner critic, and create momentum without sacrificing family time.

The first step was taking a hard look at that inner critic in my mind telling me I wasn’t doing enough. I started challenging every limiting thought by asking – how is this thought serving me? What evidence do I actually have that it’s true? How many times have I proved this critic wrong? This helped me start replacing disempowering thoughts with positive affirmations.

Next, I had get really clear on my personal definition of success. Society paints this unrealistic picture of being able to do it all effortlessly. I had to throw that out and get clear on what matters most to me, like being present for homework and bedtime routine. Then I set business goals that moved me forward without compromising those priorities.

I also set firm boundaries around my work and family time. 

The truth is, I used to be too scared to tell a potential client or business buddy that I don’t work in the evenings or on weekends. I had a story that if I didn’t make myself available pretty much all the time that people wouldn’t think I’m serious about my business, or that I must not care that much. The truth is, I love what I do and who I serve that THAT’S WHY I don’t work in the evenings or on weekends. Those are precious family moments and if I made myself available for my business during that time, I’d grow to resent it because my heart would truly be with my family while my brain was on business. 

So now, I protect certain hours for my family, and am disciplined about working during designated work blocks, so I don’t worry about things undone. This prevents burnout from work bleeding into all hours. 

Getting my family excited about my business was huge too. I involve my kids in some of the personal development things I do with clients. If I had a dollar for every time I told my kids to do deep belly breathes, I’d probably already have my oceanfront house in FL. Having a peek into what I do for a living lets my kids experience why it’s so important to me.

And you better believe I celebrate even the smallest wins and we do that as a family too. During dinner we takes turns celebrating something that we did well that day. Acknowledging achievements keeps that inner critic silenced and it’s a great self-esteem builder.

So to bring it all together, here are the 3 action steps you can take to Harmonize Your Roles

– Set aside focused family time each week, free from work distractions.

– Include your children in your entrepreneurial journey in some. You can even do this with your partner if it serves your relationship.

– Establish boundaries for work time and family time.

With the right mindset shifts, we can build businesses we love without drowning in mom guilt. So what’s one small step you can take this week to transform guilt into fuel for your goals?

I’ve created a free resource for you to help stop that mom-guilt on the spot. It’s called 3 steps to stop the mom-guilt on the spot, and you can snag it here: